After that, the generalsresolved that it would be better to proclaim open war, without truceor herald, as long as they were in the enemy's country; for they usedto come and corrupt the soldiers, and they were even successful withone officer--Nicarchus[1], an Arcadian, who went off in the night withabout twenty men. Separated from Hellas by more than a thousand miles, they hadnot even a guide to point the way. Not manydays since, you too were drawn up in battle face to face with thesetrue descendants of their ancestors, and by the help of heaven youconquered them, though they many times outnumbered you. Here they halted three days for the sake of the wounded chiefly, whilea further inducement was the plentiful supply of provisions which theyfound, wheat and wine, and large stores of barley laid up for horses.These supplies had been collected by the ruling satrap of the country.On the fourth day they began their descent into the plain; but whenTissaphernes overtook them, necessity taught them to camp in the firstvillage they caught sight of, and give over the attempt of marchingand fighting simultaneously, as so many were hors de combat, beingeither on the list of wounded themselves, or else engaged in carryingthe wounded, or laden with the heavy arms of those so occupied. There was amist, so that they could get quite close without being observed. Thus for thisday and night they halted, sunk in perplexity. This: Officers and leaders ought to be more vigilant everthan their predecessors; subordinates still more orderly and obedientto those in command now than even they were to those who are gone. Asia. I knowyour anger against them to-day is very great. But when they were comeopposite to it they raced up hill towards their mountains. arXiv is committed to these values and only works with partners that adhere to them. Accordingly, in any strait, this was the man whom the soldierswere eager to obey, and they would have no other in his place. But he had no sooner fairly started than, for some reasonor other, the ephors changed their minds, and endeavoured to bring himback again from the isthmus. Let those who are infavour of these proposals confirm them with all speed, that they maybe realised in fact; or if any other course seem better, let not anyone, even though he be a private soldier, shrink from proposing it.Our common safety is our common need.". After you have made yourelections, come back to the middle of the camp, and bring the newlyappointed officers. of Lusi (or Lusia), a town (or district) in Northern Arcadia. I am sure that theking would be thrice glad to give the Mysians as many guides as theylike, or as many hostages as they care to demand, in return for a safeconduct out of his country; he would make carriage roads for them, andif they preferred to take their departure in coaches and four, hewould not say them nay. And you, who know all this, howcan you say that it is mere nonsense to talk of self-defence? Please informme, then, as to what you propose, regarding me as your friend andwell-wisher, anxious only to pursue his march in your company." ", At this point Cleanor the Ochomenian stood up and spoke as follows:"You see, men, the perjury and the impiety of the king. Thereupon he got up, and called together first Proxenus's officers;and when they were met, he said: "Sleep, sirs, I cannot, nor can you,I fancy, nor lie here longer, when I see in what straits we are. ita ut juveni et in tantis admittenda rebus. Advanced full-text search ... Anabasis. "and the men behind to pass him by, as he could but ill keep up the pace.". We,then, who have not even the tie of blood in our favour, but whomarched against him, meaning to make a slave of him instead of aking--and to slay him if we could: what is likely to be our fate athis hands? In fact we, on our stout shanks,are better mounted than those cavalry fellows; there they hang on totheir horses' necks in mortal dread, not only of us, but of fallingoff; while we, well planted upon earth, can deal far heavier blows toour assailants, and aim more steadily at who we will. They were under the command ofStratocles, a Cretan. But partly too he feared it, for evidently it had comefrom Zeus the king. Soteridas was notspared by the rest of the men. historians among the contemporaries of Alexander, such as Ptolemy, Did any one ever die in battlefrom the bite or kick of a horse? the clearness and distinctness with which he describes all military It was built ofclay-bricks, supported on a stone basis twenty feet high. He claims them as his, sincethey belonged to Cyrus, who was his slave." - p.xi), who died in 323 BC (ref. At that instant a party of theCarduchians, who had collected, made an attack on the hindmost men,killing some and wounding others with stones and arrows--though it wasquite a small body who attacked. Purchase a copy of this text (not necessarily the same edition) from This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License . The men by themselves could have taken the same route as therest, but the baggage animals could not mount by any other way thanthis. For you call no man masteror lord; you bow your heads to none save to the gods alone. Next day Clearchus returned to the camp, and made no secretof his persuasion that he at any rate stood high in the affections ofTissaphernes, and he reported what he had said, insisting that thoseinvited ought to go to Tissaphernes, and that any Hellene convicted ofcalumnious language ought to be punished, not only as traitorsthemselves, but as disaffected to their fellow-countrymen. Whenthe sides of the oblong again extended, they filled up theinterstices, if the gap were narrow, by columns of companies, ifbroader, by columns of half-companies, or, if broader still, bycolumns of quarter-companies, so that the space between was alwaysfilled up. Xenophon: The Anabasis of Xenophon: chiefly according to the text of L. Dindorf, with notes for the use of schools and colleges, (New York, D. Appleton & co., 1871), ed. On the 10other hand, the Asiatic cavalry, even while fleeing, poured volleys ofarrows behind their backs, and wounded the pursuers; while theHellenes must fall back fighting every step of the way they hadmeasured in the pursuit; so that by the end of that day they had notgone much more than three miles; but in the late afternoon theyreached the villages. They were both aboutthirty-five years of age. In this way they advanced four stages, but ere the fifth wascompleted, they came in sight of a palace of some sort, with villagesclustered round it; they could further see that the road leading tothis place pursued its course over high undulating hillocks, the spurof the mountain range, under which lay the village. This man, who, when his own brother, theson of the same parents, was dead, was not content with that, butsevered head and hand from the body, and nailed them to a cross. Andthen to turn and ponder the condition of our soldiers, without part orlot in these good things, except we bought it; few, I knew, had anylonger the wherewithal to buy, and yet our oath held us down, so thatwe could not provide ourselves otherwise than by purchase. After hearing these statements, the generals seated apart those who 17claimed to have any special knowledge of the country in any direction;they put them to sit apart without making it clear which particularroute they intended to take. "Howbeit, for I doubt not elsewhere similar reflections are beingmade, whatsoever betide, let us not, in heaven's name, wait for othersto come and challenge us to noble deeds; let us rather take the leadin stimulating the rest to valour. 32The Hellenes, as they looked from the camp, viewed that strangehorsemanship with surprise, and could not explain to themselves whatit all meant, until Nicarchus the Arcadian came tearing along for barelife with a wound in the belly, and clutching his protruding entrailsin his hands. In which latter case,I fear, we shall suffer things, which I pray the gods may visit ratherupon those we hate. But without you, all our way is through darkness; forwe known nothing concerning it, every river will be an obstacle, eachmultitude a terror; but, worst terror of all, the vast wilderness, sofull of endless perplexity. However, when they had issued from the plain and ascended thefirst crest, and were in the act of descending it so as to mount thenext, at this juncture the barbarians came upon them. Andyou should pass a resolution that, in case of insubordination, any one 31who stands by is to aid the officer in chastising the offender. For this reason theyalways encamped at a distance from the Hellenes. Anabasis (/ ə ˈ n æ b ə s ɪ s /; Greek: Ἀνάβασις; an "expedition up from") is the most famous book of the Ancient Greek professional soldier and writer Xenophon. Some of the officers findingthemselves baulked at this point, kept trying other ways, nor did theydesist till darkness set in; and then, when they thought they wouldnot be seen retiring, they returned to supper. Let all those who are infavour of this proposal hold up their hands." Available Indexes Full-text Catalog. At the time of his death he was onlythirty years of age. No dissentient voice was heard. When it is open to him to enjoy peacewith honour, no shame, no injury attached, still he prefers war; whenhe may live at home at ease, he insists on toil, if only it may end infighting; when it is given to him to keep his riches without risk, hewould rather lessen his fortune by the pastime of battle. Has been occupied you on your side willdesire our friendship where we can get provisions as soon as was... Were the characteristic acts of a different temperament stone basis twenty feet high of marching in a of... Came backagain pace, when the Hellenes were not only right across, Mithridates again. It might be looked upon as 23certain that he was fully awake, the real printed.... Has disregarded these honourably he would not burn their houses, and so it a. Is high time I brought my remarks to anend, for evidently it had beenthe dream of his he! The Boeotian, was of a horse to theother side circuit of Nineveh is said to have been well separate... 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