| Wagner Hymnal 1697 Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 248/17, Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele [EKG 157; EG 218; KGUG 40] Author: Anon | Bach's Works: BWV 95/1; BWV 281; BWV 282; BWV 1142/18,21, Christus, der uns selig macht (NLGB 70; EG 77) 74.8  Author: Johann Eusebius Schmidt | Bach's Works: BWV 458, Es kostet viel, ein Christ zu sein [missing translation] Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 103/6, Befiehl du deine Wege 158  189  55  Author: Bodo von Hodenberg / Justus Gesenius | Bach's Works: BWV 327, Wach auf, mein Herz, und singe 104  1123  4.8  229.2  371  Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 159/2; BWV 244//15,17,54,62; BWV 247/23,30, O Herre Gott, dein göttlichs Wort 126  245.5  Author: Paul Stockmann | Bach's Works: BWV 159/5; BWV 182/7; BWV 245/14,28,32,A; BWV 247/21, Jesu, meine Freude (EKG 293) 62.6  32.6  91  149.7  Author: Philipp Nicolai | Bach's Works: BWV 1/1,6; BWV 36/4; BWV 37/3; BWV 49/6; BWV 61/6; BWV 172/6; BWV 436; BWV Anh 199/3, Wie soll ich dich empfangen [partial translation] 280  173  Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 248/59; BWV 469, Ihr Christen, auserkoren [missing translation] 404  Bach in his vocal works. 99.6  213  406  248.46  Author: Adam Drese | Bach's Works: BWV 497, Sei gegrüßet, Jesu gütig (NLGB 432; FT: IV: 14) [partial translation] 281  Author: Georg Christian Schemelli (?) Author: Created by schenker. 287  44.7  Author: Bartholomäus Ringwaldt | Bach's Works: BWV 307, Es ist nun aus mit meinem Leben [missing translation] 153.9  1089  135  1.6  254  Author: Nikolaus Decius | Bach's Works: BWV 244/1; BWV 401, O liebe Seele, zieh die Sinnen [missing translation] Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 245/5, BWV 416, Veni, redemptor gentium > Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland 211  291  16.6  146.8  Author: Adam Thebesius | Bach's Works: BWV 300, Du Lebensfürst, Herr Jesu Christ [partial translation]. Surgit in hac dies > Christus ist erstanden, hat überwunden, Te lucis ante terminum (NLGB 204) > Christ, der du bist der helle Tag 155.5  | Part 4 403  Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 448, Der weinende Petrus [missing translation] Kommst du nun, Jesu, vom Himmel herunter auf Erden? Author: Ahasverus Fritsch | Bach's Works: BWV 57/8, Helft mir Gotts Güte preisen (EKG 37) Author: Johann Franck | Bach's Works: BWV 56/5; BWV 301, Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt Author: Johann Hermann Schein | Bach's Works: BWV 156/2, BWV 247/15, BWV 377, Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit (EKG 261; ELG 503) [partial translation] 306  ChoraleGUIDE.com is a web resource for learning about writing four-part harmony in the style of J.S. Gives detailed steps which the students can work through to harmonise a Bach chorale. Wherever possible all the verses of each chorale have been included to give the full context for the verses used by Bach. 302  Author: Joshua Stegmann | Bach's Works: BWV 297, Dies est laetitiae > Der Tag der ist so freudenreich, Dies sind die heilgen zehn Gebot (NLGB 170; EG 231) Author: Martin Jahn | Bach's Works: BWV 146/8; BWV 147/6,10, BWV 154/3; BWV 359; BWV 360, Jesu, meines Glaubens Zier [missing translation] 373  156  247  36  279  244.37  361  88  280  Author: Justus Jonas | Bach's Works: BWV 178/1,2,~3,4,5,~6,7; BWV 247/3,26; BWV 258, Wo Gott zum Haus nicht gibt sein Gunst (NLGB 268; ELK 193; ELKG 379) 113.1  Bach. 368  It covers all the basic rules, different types of cadences and chords, modulation, melodic decoration etc. 42.7  O Welt, ich muß dich lassen 100  3  124  Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 363, Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der den Tod überwand (EKG 77; EG 102; KGEL 110) Author: Konrad Hubert | Bach's Works: BWV 33/1,6, BWV 261, Alles ist an Gottes Segen (EG 352; ELG 76; Jesus unsere Freude! Author: Anon | Bach's Works: BWV 263, Als der gütige Gott (NLGB 16) [partial translation] Preview. 246  Author: Caspar Neumann | Bach's Works: BWV 145/a, Auf meinen lieben Gott 374  360  241  119  Author: Created by Nadine1981. How to Harmonize a Chorale in the Style of Bach Johann Sebastian Bach was a well known German composer, organist, harpsichordist and violinist as he also set the rules and standard for particular four-part harmony writing. Author: Anon | Bach's Works: BWV 478. 197.10  48.7  Author: Sebald Heyden | Bach's Works: BWV 244/29; BWV 402, O Mensch, schau Jesum Christum an 65.2  275  If you use this site regularly, please consider making a donation to show your appreciation and to keep things running. 259  Author: Philipp Melanchthon, Die bittre Leidenszeit beginnet abermal [missing translation] 252  346  Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 248/23, Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält (Psalm 124) 33  140.7  Author: Christoph Demantius | Bach's Works: BWV 19/7, BWV 70/7, Freuet euch, ihr Christen alle (EKG 25)