We render lard on request for any hog customers or prep it for DIY. However, anaerobic environments, i.e. We’re working on raising our own pigs soon. without all the things that free Enterprise puts in your food. Cholesterol also makes up a large part of your brain as well as the protective layer of your nerves. (increased profits). You will find relief and milk will start coming. Trich is a round worm, but because domesticated animals are medicated for round worms, it’s gotten rare in hogs and cattle. And if you do complain I’ll just take it back and give it to someone else. I know, I’m fat and I love sugar. Typically, stores offer turkeys at very low costs during the week before Thanksgiving. this town provisioned almost ALL British and Scandinavian ships sailing across the Atlantic. Lamb tallow really fills you up fast, is so satisfying and tasty and you don’t get hungry again for a long time. Long Term Food Storage Canning means you will have a year round supply of your favourite produce. It will separate if left unrefrigerated, and will dehydrate if left in the freezer more than a year. “…in all that you do in all of your life, I wish you the strength and the grace to make those choices which will allow you and your neighbor to become the best of whoever you are.” ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers). I don’t allow anything with this ingredient in my home, period. I remember you got a LOT of fat from the neighbors, so I’m assuming yours wasn’t all leaf fat, but still didn’t smell at all like bacon. Canning. Shannon, your lard is beautiful. Good meat and good fat are hard to come by, so we stocked up. Lard lasts a long time in the fridge, and freezes just fine. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/deer-caught-gnawing-human-bones-first-time-180963178/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20study%2C%20ungulates,with%20a%20rectangular%20cross%20section. 3,259 Posts #2 • Sep 4, 2013. I’ve been supplementing for 40 years, now at age 88.5 yrs. No margarine is good for you, even high quality. FRY your kids a big pan of french fries…IN LARD. Rancid lard can still be used to make soap, but I wouldn’t recommend using it otherwise. I too have a problem with mice so everything I have in my cooking pantry is either in cans, or 1/2 gallon to gallon jars. Just like eggs were given a bad rap for the last couple of decades, so was lard. But if it’s in a time’s like the above story or end of world as we know it and that’s all there is. The way you have stored it is exactly how we do it, too. People on a low cholesterol diet shouldn’t eat more than 20 mg. total, per day. I also use it for lamps when I’m out of kerosene. Article by Mom with a PREP | Emergency Preparedness for Families. I grew up vegetarian and even oils were not high on the list of important things to eat. Pigs in the US back before the 50’s…were essentially raised for the FAT they produced. My mother, who passed in 2011 at 95, lived in an orphanage when she was a little girl because her mother couldn’t put enough food on the table for all eight children during the depression of the 30’s. Knight: Yes, but we need HDL cholesterol, not LDL, which clogs arteries. Dehydrated shortening powder is another choice for long-term storage. We cannot export raw pork to Europe because of it. I received a plastic bucket as well.. I’m wondering how I can get it into smaller confainers or jars.. and suggestions? Back on the farm 1930 -40s Dad had a wooden barrel of salt and we used it for curing meat, table salt, it was this natural salt, I don’t know where he got it because he had it before I was born. There were rillettes, larded pork chops, and duck confit, and a whole host of other tasty things you could cover in fat to preserve in these lovely old books. In a survival situation your body needs calories. It seems that bear meat in the spring time has a lot of toxins due to their hibernation. I do mine the same way, making sure to get it filtered well. I feed the salt/mineral block type to my bees(dissolved and mixed with simple sugar syrup in the winter. Place to pot over a low heat and let it work. but advertisement says different and so do profits. Another day…FRY your kids a pan with veg oil hydrogenated or not.. and see how fast each kid fills up. What else do you do with your cracklins? There are some brands that do contain preservatives that will probably last longer. Not trans fat, but good old-fashioned fatback and bacon. Most articles I have read recommend boiling the meat, throwing away the water the meat was boiled in and then further cooking the meat. First, it’s cured in salt. It keeps longer than butter, vegetable oil or coconut oil and can be used in many of the same ways. To best render your fatback, you want to cut it in strips and place it in a pot with a little water in the bottom of the pot. Since the kind I buy does not contain preservatives, I store it in the refrigerator. I have been eating these good fats for over 15 years, I am 65 years old and my doctors cannot believe how good my blood work is, especially my cholesterol. Best way to store fat is pemmican. She always used bacon grease in her cooking and her food turned out delicious. IF you have tons of salty bacon fat that smells off…deodorize it and make soap out of it. To preserve, you’ll use the pressure canning method of 100-120 minutes at 10 pounds of pressure. Love this. Your body uses it to build cell membranes and make vitamin D. It helps form bile acids to digest fat. This does seem to contrast though, with the author’s suggestion of adding a sage leaf on the top. I have a lot of lard put back. Some food storage experts have given up on storing oil long-term and have switched to storing shortening. Salt. It’s a terrible predicament to find oneself in. Would you rather starve to death now or worry about heart disease later. I also encouraged my kids to stop letting my grandchildren eat anything with this ingredient as well as high fructose corn syrup. They had killed a hog and cut it into fist size chunks,once the lard was boiling hard they started cooking those chunks of hog till it was golden brown, pulled the meat off the bone and shredded it and we made tacos on corn tortillas somebody’s wife had made with that smoking hot pepper sauce. Emanon Eat healthy is eating for the most part like your grandparents did. * One caveat to this: I've used Dry Canning as a secondary way of explaining vacuum sealing. Mom with a PREP | Did you know that there's a way to store butter on the shelf? See more ideas about food, canning recipes, food storage. Dirt raised hogs usually offer the most back fat. At this point it would be good to store them in the cellar or some place where it’s cooler than 100 degrees. It is the ONLY salt with 84 minerals. I have been canning lard and bacon fat for only 4 years now and I just opened a new jar a few days ago and was as fresh as when I canned it in 2014. I have 25 years in the metal can industry. Also, I find that foods cooked with lard are more satisfying in smaller portions than with ersatz oil/shortening. I bet you’ve rendered more fat than I could shake a stick at so I’m glad to hear that I might be on the right track. My grandparents told me stories of eating that same thing. Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful to God for all he has provided for us. It’s great that folks are realizing just how healthy natural pastured animal fats are and how we have been mislead for generations! When I was a kid they made an excellent treat for ME. I then usually followed up by saying and we still do it today for ourselves. And it helps maintain the health of your intestinal wall. Our bodies are intelligent and self-regulating. I’m in a traditional home, so froze what I made. Not really sure how to do that, i.e., how long to process, pressure or water bath, etc. It was so easy that it made me a bit sad to think of all the fat I never asked for in all these years from my beef/hogs. Freezing it can further extend its shelf life to three years. FPS is run by a husband and wife team that loves the outdoors and a simple way of life. You can add a little at a time and it will shrink as it begins to render. those without oxygen, can breed other types of bacteria. Written by: Hanne Moon Food, Off-Grid Foods 114 Comments Print This Article. …I’ve never tried that, but I don’t think I was ever as hungry as my mom might’ve been in that orphanage. But you have to add some fragrance or you’ll smell like a hamburger. hide lard was used for deep frying. You can stock up on survival foods specially prepared to last for years, but it can get pretty pricey. I grew up on the farm, in the fall we butchered hogs and neighbors hogs about 10-12 hogs a season All fat meat with skin we cooked in large iron kettles with wood fire until most lard was cooked out; then we poured it into a press squeezing all the lard out and made cakes of cracklins, also good eating, and stored cans of lard in the cool cellar sitting on brick floor. sorry, previous post should read “two” not “to”…I am literate! What’s a prepper to do? Remember, if you have a nice smooth surface you can manage things like oxidation and mold growth easier. A little, because it has tannin, too much of tannin prevents absorption of protein. Most preppers are short on salt and fat. In the late 60’s and 70’s the commercial pork started getting less fatty. It can be kept for many years. What a knucklehead! Men could not provide for their families and they offed themselves out of guilt and fear. This was before refrigerators, freezers, electricity, it never spoiled, molded and it maintained its flavor until the next butchering. It's a pretty versatile fat that you can use for everything from biscuits to sauteing (especially nice in Mexican applications) to confit. Crisco, the manufacture says a two-year shelf life. I am sure he selected only the best cuts of fat. GHEE! Nothing wrong with that. In the last 5 years I haven’t done it, but I’m eager to butcher my own again. He has a waiting list. It’s a terrible predicament to find oneself in. Long Term Dried Bean Storage Mylar Bag | Oxygen Absorber | 5-gallon bucket. Can you preserve meat in simple lard? In fact, lard is rarely used in a commercial shop unless they are making savory pot pie crusts. Just because something has high calories or carbs doesn’t make it some semi lost survival food. We all like to dance! Unless the laws has changed bear meat is the only game animal that you do not need to bring out the 4 quarters in Alaska. I have that stored. Sep 14, 2019 - Tips and tricks on how to make your fruits, veggies & other fresh foods store longer, including canning & preserving, dehydration etc. I heard the Food and Drug Administration unofficially back in 1998 or 1999 stated that it was healthier to drink the water out of the Hudson river, than to eat American processed food with all the junk they put in it.Over all if it’s company canned or boxed doesn’t matter it’s bad for your health in the long run. Because lard is strained fat, it also has incredible staying power. He preferred to make his own lard using the fat from the shop. See what the seed oils do to our bodies. Someone tested margarine with animals if they would eat it, they opened the margarine on a clean floor and recorded rats sniffed it but would not eat; a good test. You will not be able to be so intolerant. Designed by Orange-Themes.com. I don’t want it to go bad. Lard is wonderful. Article from mamakautz.com. Bear fat goes rancid fairly quickly which is why it’s not usually recommended for cooking. Jackie – You might be able to heat it until it liquefies and then pour it into jars while hot and immediately seal. That was very informative. The fact that the stock market suffers, and the DOW is dropping is not what makes people depressed. Counterintuitive I think. There are many variables that need to be considered when storing beans longterm. then you know what you have. Good job! Recently I opened a box of each. Lard is rendered pork fat that has been strained of any meat bits or other impurities. Dec 29, 2017 - I'm going to show you how to render lard. He spoke very fondly of lard sandwiches.The sandwiches were made with home made bread, lard, and on cold days his mom would put on extra lard and sprinkle a little sugar and cinnamon. It creates an environment where bacteria can’t thrive. XO. Because we are storing so many types of food products, questions always come up about how long it will last on the shelf, if opened, if bought at the grocery store, or how to best package it. Pie crust with butter is amazing too! It really is too big for our already full fridge. So is there some magic quality to this that makes it keep meat from going bad? Thank for you WONDERFUL post! You would die from starvation before heart attack. In the freezer your lard will hold up indefinitely. I have a 5 gallon bucket of Field lard in the freezer. They state that in 1928 22 people per 100,000 were committing suicide. I’ve done it for decades, although, I’m not a fan of candles…they can serve a purpose. Consider over canning for long term storage of your dry food stores. Latest food guides are now including lard as a healthy fat. They ate at home often with food raised in their garden. I wore safety glasses. Like this post! You might be surprised to learn that lard can stay on your counter for as many as three months without refrigeration. I also helped. You are adrift, and that was all planned. Search that and you will see there is a way to use OLD lard even if it smells off. Leaf lard is rendered from fat found near the pig’s kidneys. Put in 1 qt containers, put in freezer. Don’t ever eat store bought bakery products. Best to keep your eyes on new information than to stick to knee-jerk “disgusted” reactions. What about storing commercial lard off shelf at grocery store? I know deer living in poor soil areas like coal country in PA, low calcium and low phosphorus, will eat bones of dead animals. I eat all the butter I can, I take a large potato wash and scrub it, boil it until a tooth pick goes in easy all the way, I have (1) quarter butter open and ready, the potato is very hot, I add slices of butter then add a good pinch of my solar salt and some pepper and mash with a fork, it is really good. When it comes to where lard should sit after opening the package, there are two options. I went the herbal way and cured it. It is easy to use and to give away. And by nothing I mean I had read enough of the old-timer books to realize that fat, itself, is a preservative. It begins to break down but has lost the ability to communicate with other cells so it is not able to be repaired or replaced. Crystal clean white goodness, I say. That is why rabbit are not great survival meat. Butter, on the other hand, can quickly turn rancid. If you are cleaning your cupboard and find some dry beans that have been purchased a while ago, can they still be used? And like a monkey with his hand in a trap you refuse to give up that banana…. The bankers own the world… get used to it. Once they have absorbed the hydrogenated molecule it hardens and the cell can no longer absorb other nutrients. They are amazing. They are “illegal” here in the valley of the sun. © 2014-2021 Copyright Askaprepper. It fried potatoes and squash and eggs and pancakes and steak. stone 05-20-2011, 06:51 AM #2. antishot. Storage Time: Up to 1 years with proper storing. All Rights reserved - AskaPrepper.com. I make survival food to survive. just being super active like negate most bad issues with any food. Long Term Dried Bean Storage Mylar Bag | Oxygen Absorber | 5-gallon bucket. (Follow your manufacturer’s instructions for high altitude.). The whole point of rendering is to get the perishable bits out of the lard, right? Two pigs generally does us more than a year. Bravo! God help you if you eat straight up animal fat. Lard in particular satiates the appetite…AND therefore, you tend to eat less. Then once landed, it was shipped overland by horse drawn carts or even bullock drawn carts to its final destination, especially in India. He also said that to his taste it didn’t taste the same as the lard he made from pure pork fat. That means we’ve eaten 15 quarts of lard – three quarts for every man, woman, and child in this family – since January. In just the last year or two I read an article in either Field & Stream or Outdoor Life in which a guide recounted the infection of a hunting party hunting in Canada, including the author, who had become infected with trichinosis because they failed to thoroughly cook the meat of the bear they had killed. I never heard of oven canning before although I do a lot of canning of meat and beans and such but that is pressure canning. Disclosure: I may earn money or products from companies mentioned in this post. Freezing is the least time-consuming method for long-term storage, but it is also the most energy-dependent one. Been doing it for many years. See more ideas about Food, Canning, Canning recipes. check with the slaughter houses or directly with the rendering plants – there’s your best $$$ per pound for rendered lard >>> especially if you’re willing to take it in a 5 gallon bucket …. I put away Triscuits and Saltines almost two years ago in their original packaging without any added protection. The result is that headaches have stopped, ADHD is no longer evident, and weight was lost. So, you must be aware and careful when storing lard. Start coming always hear about SHTF but the fact that the temperature at which bear meat, it... All baking lived to 98 and 101 years, now at age yrs. Some would be good stewards with what ever vitamins and minerals that you store it -! Those that say the other hand, can breed other types of bacteria or not.. and see what.. 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