Jonas and Martha seem to be essential to each other’s functioning within the Time cycle, so they have to be available to each other in some way at crucial points in the cycle. Dark relates strongly to the real world, where we all live in our own version of reality, which may seem on the surface to have nothing to do with the world that our neighbor lives in, yet the worlds are intimately connected and always will be. No one can get in that way.” He looks a bit guilty when he says it, but Charlotte accepts his answer. This is likely the time when the other Alt Martha brought Jonas to the cave, given the flashing lights. Want the Netflix series Dark season 3 ending explained? This is Alt Martha’s world, not his. Thanks for the article Daniel. Erik has also been missing for 2 weeks in this world. Martha tells her, “That sucks.” Katherina looks over at the family photo hung on the wall where the Kahnwald family photo should be. Me. Please bear with me as I try to keep all of this straight in my head and coalesce it down into something readable for you without also giving away too much information, too soon. Season 3 of Dark premieres Saturday, June 27 on Netflix. That everything remains the same. Just the bench. Alt Martha: “I am not Martha. The Third Day Part 3/Winter: Season 1 Episode 6 Last Day- The Dark Recap; Star Trek: Picard Season 1 Analysis Part 2- How Romulan Values Took Over the Federation; Star Trek: Picard Season 1 Analysis Part 1- Outsiders, Twins and Broken Pieces; The Third Day Part 3/Winter: Season 1 Episode 5 Tuesday- The Daughter Recap; Recent Comments The Unknown Trio move in unison when they want to, suggesting that they are in balance with the Oneness on a regular basis, having suppressed their Will to the point of self-actualization/sainthood/transcendence. Hannah’s baby seems to react to the lights going haywire/time travel occurring. It’s her room, in this world, with her stuff hanging on the walls. The premiere episode opens in Winden in 1921 where two men are mining a passageway that would later become the portal between time periods. He stares at the table that should be round, but is now oval, and the family photo that’s not his family. Ever since the giant reveal at the end of Season 2, ... What makes things even more twisted is Season 3, Episode 7's big reveal that shows Elisabeth and Charlotte both travel in time to kidnap baby Charlotte and hand her over to … Linking sausages. Adult Unknown: “Nothing is free. Archived. In the other world, in the pilot, Ulrich and Hannah were having sex in her bed, then he climbed out the window so Jonas wouldn’t see him. Close. Alt Martha makes her way into the factory, where she finds Stranger Jonas at work creating his God particle machine. The Child enters first, without knocking. Jonas starts to pick it up, but then thinks better of it with the blood coating his hands. Additional points In 2019 in the other world, Martha (teen — counterpart — 2019) meets Kilian (teen — counterpart) … In season 1, Jonas went backstage after the play and told Martha what he did last summer. Peter (adult) asks Jonas if he needs any help with anything. She asks how he’s doing, then gets up to leave once he says he’s okay. I’ll make this right. We are ultimately the sum total of our inborn character, experiences, environment and Will. He and Paul Lux are giving some nuanced performances this episode, after already re-creating their characters last season, along with the rest of the cast. Martha opens the door with the theatre programs- she accepts her role in the theatre of life. Poor mirror Winden. Episode 1: Beginnings and Endings/Anfänge und Enden. I can’t and won’t move on to the next Ep until I get my Metacrone Fix. I’d have to rewatch it, which I plan to do so but I did notice the mirroring. Did he sense that a version of Jonas should exist in Martha’s world? I think it si Martha itself coming from future. I know for certain that those are concepts you should keep in mind. This episode is titled Deja-vu. Is the veil thin in that particular spot, home of a church, graveyard and God particle? Katherina spitefully says that’s generous of Hannah. He shakes his head, more like he’s shaking himself out of a daze than saying no, though I think it’s actually both. In the other world, he read a passage about symmetry, doubling and Goethe, way back in season 1. None of the other recappers even come close to your artful style and level of detail. Hannah reveals why she’s really there, to ask if Ulrich stopped by to visit that morning. It’s our thoughts/Will that will get us out of here. July 4, 2020 August 4, 2020 ~ Metacrone “You and I are perfect for each other. There are fewer episodes, locations and characters, so it’s easier to keep up with than 12 Monkeys. So, where does Jonas go, now that he’s out of the cave? She wakes up and Katharina (adult) is making breakfast for Martha and Mikkel (child). I’ll miss it. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Jonas has some serious abandonment issues. Everything in the “other” world is a mirror image, but in that scene, the house is the same orientation we’ve seen it in in seasons 1 and 2. She also doesn’t know who Mikkel or Michael is and reveals that Hannah’s husband is her father, Ulrich. He worked with the ideas of both an individual Will or consciousness that survived eternally and a cosmic consciousness where there was no distinction between individuals. Hannah has her faults, but she is one of the most compassionate characters on Dark. Hannah stands up, revealing that she is VERY pregnant. Helge (elderly) keeps repeating “it will happen again” in the nursing home. I will eventually add character photos and descriptions to each recap, too, but I figured everyone would rather get recaps sooner rather than wait another couple of days. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Log In Sign Up. She hears someone nearby and believes it is Kilian (teen) but it is Jonas (teen). If I remember right, Peter had gone to the bunker to pray and try to stop himself from cheating with Benni. He would also be Prospero, the exiled Duke and sorcerer of The Tempest. I haven’t gotten into it much yet, but there’s a lot in Dark this season about seeing things clearly, especially in the color theory and symbolism. This version said goodbye to her one day more than a year ago in his life, then left to become a time traveler. Old Eva: “Mikkel. Someone who’s no longer “real”? Episode Discussion - … Martha heads inside the school. I can add them. Ulrich and Charlotte parked in a field to cheat on their spouses instead of going to the meeting. The whole gang ended up going along later that night. This apparition is trying to remind her of the same things Jonas has been trying to wake up in her. Once something exists, it always exists. Maybe the here and now is and none of us are real. Actually, that’s probably half of them. The use of knots is also based on ancient religious ritual knot practices, in which knots were ritually tied and untied in specific sequences while saying incantations or prayers, similar to the way prayer beads are still used. By all her words. As Martha walks away, the auditorium lights come up, leaving Jonas standing alone in the light, a place he never expected to be and is not equipped for. This won’t be made very clear in the show, but the Netflix website says that Kilian lives in a group home rather than with his father. Dark web series is originally in German. Why you came for me. Martha also slipped in that she’s dealing with the whole knot issue. No pain. Is she not beautiful and good? Dark – Season 3 Episode 1 “Deja-Vu” Recap & Review. Lol, I’m not going to give away spoilers! Now he’s gone beyond the veil of life as we know it, and is an object flying free in someone else’s world. In the Prime World, Aleksander needed to bully Jürgen to hide potential evidence in the case of his son’s disappearance. …. Martha refuses the ride and says she’ll be home late because she has play rehearsal. Dark season 3, episode 1, “Deja-vu” is adding a decisive layer to the final chapters that will likely bring up more questions within the community. Man Can Do What He Will, But He Cannot Will What He Wants. The lights flicker on and off. About 100 years ago, just after World War 1, they did experiments in there.”. Orphan Black has a lot more in common with Dark than you’d think at first. I can’t stress the importance of this enough. Nothing can break it. But I can’t deny the connection any longer. Martha and the group head into the bunker and dark matter appears in front of them and a kid falls out of it; he’s dead. When you try to get rid of it, you’re playing a game of Whac-A-Mole. Spoilers: The Ending To A Confusing Final Season Of 'Dark,' Explained Music This Jürgen gets the cash instead. Isn’t that what you wanted? You give so much information & am pretty sure anybody can understand after reading the reviews what that particular episode is all about. A bright white light shines in the back of the Ariadne cave set. He was also Franziska’s teacher in the pilot and another S1 episode. We’ll see character consistency across universes. This is true on every level of existence. We brushed it off as hallucinations from being in a psych ward (so naive in 2017) but I can’t figure out who it is Martha sees or why. He gives his standard response to her, “You’re beautiful.”. She doesn’t have a child in school in this universe. As they walk through the halls, they pass an honest to goodness series of evil twins and other characters from the plays the students are putting on, who just happen to be relevant to the show the characters are living in. They leave the island instead of dying. The assumption is that this is in original world. He says that he was gone so long because it’s the first day of school, so the line was long at the bakery. Lights are flashing/time travel is occurring. We’re ushered into the episode as Jonas meets with a woman identifying as Eva and is older Martha. In 1954, two residents of Winden go missing, and Hannah receives surprising news. For one thing, Winden has been hoarding Time for decades, as if it’s barrels of oil they’re stockpiling. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. The apparition is Young Martha, wearing the white dress she wore the night she and Jonas had sex in the Prime World, during Katharina and Ulrich’s anniversary party. He gives a briefing similar to what we heard in S1Ep1. Hannah gets up and she’s pregnant. He replies that they do know each other, but in another time. Summary. Jonas (teen) attends the rehearsals and sees Martha (teen) is in a relationship with Kilian. A Note on the word Will: I’m going to capitalize the w in Will when I mean the philosophical concept of the driving force within an entity, sometimes seen an synonymous with the undying soul, in order to differentiate it with other uses of the word. It’s hard to guess what he thinks or knows, but at least he’s with his family, both Peter and Eli, in this reality. [Jonas enters the auditorium, as he did in S1.] I’ve been reading multiple reviews and recaps and find it amusing that no one seems to comment on the mirror image aspect of episode 1. It’s not just true for him. He had to live, because older versions of him exist, and he refuses to live without the possibility of sleeping in his own bed at night. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Franziska gave the presentation in the pilot, while Bartosz mocked her, then told Jonas about his plan to find Erik’s drugs, which he was certain were hidden in the cave. We meet back up with Elizabeth (Olivia Colman), looking very different but still much the same, at the dawn of a particularly turbulent time in British history. Both cycle changes we’ve seen so far involved human suffering and death (Helge died, but came back), an expansion in time travel capabilities and violent action. He and Torben give each other the evil eye again. Or would something, deep within us, lead us to the same end, like an invisible hand? And since that bond remains, everything else that connects them ultimately remains as well. I’m aiming for a Dark recap once a week or so. Round and round in a circle. For the purpose of the recap of episode 1, assume that all the characters are now counterparts unless stated otherwise. In S2, after Stranger said those words to her, Martha died. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I wasn’t sure if I needed to, since Netflix has their website. Everything will fall apart. Whatever he wants, she doesn’t have it and she wants nothing from him. Please support Ready Steady Cut today. This world too is reeling with the recent loss of a boy named Erik Obendorf and the police here too are chasing the nuclear power plant for answers By Pooja Salvi Published on : 23:30 PST, Jun 26, 2020. The night before Michael’s suicide. Ulrich has been torn out, just like Ines had been torn out in the other world. Is Martha also a magic and especially a Harry Potter fan? In this world, Magnus and Franziska are having sex in the same room. Adult Unknown hangs up the phone and pulls out a garrote. Helge then starts repeating “tick-tock”. You don’t know how badly I want to highlight those words in the S2 recap, but it seems like too much of a spoiler. Twelve Monkeys is probably my favorite time travel show ever, with the most well done ending of all time. There’s a reason German sci-fi Dark is regarded as one of the best Netflix Originals on the platform. I think this is covered in episode 3, Jonas says to Martha counterpart that he knows she saw herself in the woods, because older Martha tells him. He’s looking sharp with a nicely trimmed white beard. The apparitions Martha and Jonas’ saw in the woods were trying to wake them up to their true selves. Is the Will connected to its brethren across worlds, especially in a spiritual man like Peter? Netflix should pay you. In the Prime world, Martha and Jonas had grown very close the previous summer, but he’d gone away for mental health treatment and she’d been dating Bartosz while he was gone. LBT. Before she goes, she asks if Erik could have found a way onto the grounds. He gives her that assignment and assigns Torben to pursuing the tire tracks, same as in the other world. We’re about to see some now. There is no Michael Kahnwald. Another swoop back to the Prime World, where it’s a dark and stormy night in Dr Frankenstein’s lair  the old Tannhaus clock factory. The gravitational force is so strong, that even light is pulled into it. Hannah’s husband is Ulrich. As in, she’s never seen any Jonas. With gratitude and wishing your family health while lunatics around us won’t wear masks…, Thank you. Eva waited to speak to him until he’d had that conversation, using code phrases we’ve already seen them use across cycles to trigger recognition of each other and to move into the next phase of existence for each. Jonas repeats the words they said in S1 in this spot and Martha and Stranger said in Hannah’s kitchen in S2. June 27, 2020. As we enter the post apocalypse prime world and the Alt Martha world and try to figure out whatever Claudia’s up to this time around, let’s keep the endgame in mind. Birds die around them. This has vexed me, since Torben and Benni seemed to be a pair. Thanks for taking the time to read my writing! If you thought the apocalypse might signal a bright new beginning for Dark, you should know that Schopenhauer’s “work has been described as an exemplary manifestation of philosophical pessimism.” (X). Netflix confirmed in February 2016 that it would produce its first German-language series with Who Am I? Dark Season 3 Ending Explained: What Happened in the Final Episode By Sadie Gennis @sadiegennis Jun 28, 2020 12:55 PM EDT [Warning: The following contains spoilers for Dark Season 3. But I’m getting Tempest feelings, too. DARK SEASON 3 Ending Explained Breakdown + Full Series Spoiler Talk Review | NETFLIX Posted on June 28, 2020 by deffinition Welcome to the Heavy Spoilers show, I’m your host Deffinition and if you’re still in the Dark over well…Dark, this is the article for you. Dark Season 3 Episode 1 Walkthrough. Your recaps are so much more than most – I can re-watch myself, but the amount of outside research and such that you bring is awesome, and saves us all the time. Magnus scoffs, but Bartosz insists that the apocalypse is right around the corner. By Rosie Fletcher. Dark has always had a Gothic element, which I don’t think I’ve written about, have I? This too shall pass. The 2 men looked like it might end in pistols (or lightning bolts) at dawn before the cycle closes out. We aren’t given a year, but the Netflix website says that this is 1987. Retired unschooling/homeschooling mom living in NM. We are in a constant struggle between our desires, or Will, which leads to selfish acts, and our deep knowledge of our Oneness with all of reality, which leads to compassion and self sacrifice. Read more to know about 'Dark' season 3. “Eve will never achieve her task,” He reminds her, referring to the older-Martha in the other world. Young Elizabeth, who is able to hear and speak in this world, returns home and finds Helge repeating standard phrases with urgency: “Tick tock.” “The beginning is the end. When Jonas enters a graveyard he sees the gravestone that states the following: “Regina Tiedemann — August 1, 1971 — September 2, 2019”. Martha asks if he’s adopted. He tries, but can’t wipe it off. She enters a shed. As Jonas (teen) wanders outside, an elderly woman speaks to him from the distance — she tells him that Mikkel didn’t travel back in time in this world and he won’t become his father and that Jonas was never born — “A world without you. Jonas talks his way into the class and sits behind Martha. The end is the beginning is the end of the line. You mention it a few times in the recap to be February. Some nights he pulls on the bond. 545. Warning: SPOILERS for Dark season 3.. He’s so entitled that he can’t even begin to understand the issue. She is dressed in the same way. That room was a migraine sufferers’ dream room. Noticeably, Martha is wearing the yellow jacket — it seems like a role reversal of her and Jonas from the original world. The intricate knot of timelines, ideas and challenging time travel concepts are unrivaled in this medium. It doesn’t ever hurt to remind me you’re waiting for something, though, because that gives me an idea of how to prioritize what I write. But Claudia was likely right about the elimination of Jonas. We first met this trio of villains in the trailer for Dark Season 3, but it becomes clear in Episode 1 … There are no photos or flyers on the walls and no shelves. She asks what that means. Seasons 1 and 2 are currently streaming. That must be the norm. Dark season 3, episode 1, “Deja-vu” is adding a decisive layer to the final chapters that will likely bring up more questions within the community. Let me know what you think of 12 Monkeys. We’ll have to wait for the answers. The series, entitled Dark, is described as a mysterious saga following four families living in a small German town. It’s the principle of conservation. The Kahnwald house survived the apocalypse intact because Jonas willed it to. Someone asks if she's thought of any names yet. But Franziska will now be left out of conversations the way Elizabeth was last season, so her common sense will be lost to the group. Except for the fact that Claudia’s daughter, Regina, is dead. Also, I did love your “Warning from Mom.” . A guide to understanding Netflix’s Dark, the German time-travel thriller that uses time travel to blend storylines set in 1953, 1986, 2019, and beyond. As Jonas leaves his house, an older woman waits for him in the shadows. Yes, he’s the Severus Snape of Winden. Definitely don’t know what it means but as really interesting to watch. Jonas approaches Martha and she has no idea who he is and Kilian interrupts the conversation so she walks off. Jonas and Martha travel to the year 2052 and get a glimpse of a grim future. 12 Monkeys and Travelers are 2 of my favorites. A 6 foot tall version of Mikkel sits in Michael’s spot at the table, staring at his phone. It seemed pretty certain that he’d died around this time already, but that’s a tough way to go. And why covered of black matter? He thought he was here to stop Mikkel from going back to 1986 for the first time. Though he’s more subdued, Aleksander is still a mobster in the Alt World. Honestly, this show would be completely unwatchable without you. I didn’t think this relationship could be given less depth. Learn about the mechanics of time travel. Again and Again. Only noticing when I got to episode 3 thinking I watched more than this. Jonas mutters that he thinks he is here so it doesn’t happen again. Share Share Tweet Email. The graveyard is much emptier than in the Prime World. I just love it. We are fast becoming the number one independent website for streaming coverage. Notice he said nothing is free, not even pain. Peter wonders what Jonas is talking about. She tries to walk away, but he grabs her arm and doesn’t let go. In this world, just as it will in yours. Dark season 3 ending. Or maybe subconsciously he’s realized his body is a cage and he wants out, once and for all. This recap and breakdown of Netflix series Dark season 3, episode 1, “Deja-vu” contains significant spoilers. I talked about classical mythology and Dark here. Whatever else Jonas is in the Alt-World for, he was there to have that conversation with Martha under the bridge about the glitch in the matrix. But this life, this eternal recurrence, is just another dream. That was the point of all of the parallels in this episode. She does so, with a look at Jonas, but she doesn’t say a word. Jonas appears out of the misty dark. When Martha’s class ends, Jonas approaches her to remind her that she didn’t tell him why she brought him to this world. Jonas notices that his hands are coated in the other Martha’s blood. Deja Vu. S2Ep7 has a sort of index of topics I’d discussed up until that point, if you need to review basic ideas like the eternal recurrence or Ariadne’s Thread. They sure helped me keep my sanity during S1 . Could we even escape our fate? Then he sets fire to the room, including the photo board and Adam’s signature painting. Copyright Cathy Munson-Klein, Sarah Munson and © 2016-2019. Like Ulrich, these two are examples of following the pull of Will without using much reason, especially Magnus. It’s the light of God/Paradise. When Mikkel was lost in a new time period in the pilot, he followed this same pattern of going home and then trying to find his parents, which happened to mean going to the school and the police station. Fans have compared the science-fiction show to Stranger … There has to be a Shakespearean tragedy where a man emerges from a fog and doesn’t know where or who he is. Alas, I can’t say more about my thoughts on this until the beginning has become the end. Erik’s father said similar things to the police in S1Ep1. Written By. No, it implodes. I feel like Magnus shows himself as Claudia’s agent here, reminding Martha that they need to move slowly, not all at once, even though, as far as I know, this message comes from a subconscious level. While the townsfolk are occupied with secrets of their own, at nightfall a group of teenagers attempts to recover something the missing boy may have left behind. She forgets her copy of Ariadne on her desk. The end is the beginning.”. Here a link to the AoS tag: I’ll keep 12 Monkeys in mind for the slow times this winter. Because of the odd structure of season 3 of Dark, there were several ideas that I wanted to write about that didn’t fit into any of the recaps. Peter’s deja-vu wasn’t so easily explained. We break down the insane final season of the German time travel series . Franziska asks what’s going on, but Magnus doesn’t translate, even when she smacks him.