After a brief struggle where he easily beats around the creature, Piccolo asks Cell if that was all he has got and says he expected him to be more powerful. Cell has an original personality engineered by Gero's computer to combine the character traits of his genetic constituents which would be most useful for a perfect weapon. However, Goku tells Cell that he would like to bring in some new blood to fight Cell. In Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai, Super Perfect Cell gains a huge boost in power after being brought back from death (enough to defeat Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks, when the latter does not fight seriously), but not as strong as Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan after being consumed by rage or Gotenks when the latter fights seriously. Once beaten for the last time, they are absorbed by Super Buu. Semi-Perfect Cell destroys hundreds of islands in his search for Android 18, Without anyone to oppose him, Cell continues his search for Android 18. Imperfect Cell took down 17 and so could easily do the same to 18. Thus he possesses the villainous traits from King Piccolo, Vegeta, and Frieza. Piccolo and Tien work on tracking him while Future Trunks and Krillin kill the current (main) timeline's Cell while still in his infancy. Cell never actually fights in this form, and simply uses it to taunt Future Trunks - who thought that his Super Saiyan Third Grade form would be enough to beat Perfect Cell. Cell (now mistakenly confident in victory) explains who he is to Piccolo. Main article: Dragon Ball Xenoverse Cell attempts to kill Vegeta with a ki blast, but Gohan intercepts Cell's attack. When Cell powers up to his maximum, he transforms into a Super Saiyan via his Saiyan cells, however due to lack of hair the only change is that he gains the Super Saiyan aura around himself. Relatives Ironically, the latter Future Trunks also kills Cell twice: first alongside Krillin while Present Cell is in his larval form and second in his own time while Future Cell is in his Imperfect Form. Goku then spars with Tekka's Team using his base, Super Saiyan, and Super Saiyan Blue forms. Cell also became more hotheaded and rash, seen by how he immediately chose to risk destroying the entire solar system simply to defeat Gohan. Android 16 briefly tries to step in and attack Cell from behind, but the Bio-Android hears him and warns him of what will happen if he carries out his attack. . As a result, Tekka's Team faces off against five Cells. English Cell expresses rage at Goku for once again defeating him and uses Instant Transmission to escape, causing Goku to wonder who's ki Cell locked onto to get away. His tail has been completely retracted, only the stinger remaining. After knocking away Android 17, Cell fights and easily beats the weakened Piccolo, even managing to shrug off the Namekian's Light Grenade. In the Android 21 Arc, Android 16 notes that Android 21 is far stronger than Cell, apparently even in her base form. In the game he fights Future Trunks. After the smoke clears, Future Trunks comforts the old man, and then remembers that the future is not safe yet, as there is still someone out there waiting to strike: Future Cell. I'm loving working on these guys. The fact that prior to facing Super Saiyan 2 Gohan, Cell still chose to hold back his full power, Cell was willing to handicap himself in order to challenge his own limits. However, Cell continues to admire his new body, completely ignoring Krillin and Future Trunks' assault, barely registering Krillin and Future Trunks' hits and takes Krillin's Destructo Disc attack to the neck with the disk breaking on impact, not even flinching. With Vegeta out of the picture, Future Trunks is free to fully power up without worrying about injuring his father's pride. Future Cell hurls an energy wave at him while still flying at him, but Future Trunks knocks it off to the side and knocks Future Cell down to the ground, where he lands on his feet. In his power-weighted state while at full power, Cell is physically stronger than before but his speed fails to match the might. As the Cell Juniors are effectively an endangered species of artificial lifeform due to their progenitor Cell's death, Android 17 allows them to live on Monster Island, with the Cell Juniors having become reformed as they protect the island from anyone they do not perceive to be a Ranger, as shown when they briefly attack Goten and Trunks, before noticing their Ranger Uniforms causing them to recognize the two as allies. His horns now point upward and form a crown shape, and his face, though possessing a comically large-lipped mouth and lacking a nose, has taken the general shape of a human face. Cell considers it but decides not to after realizing how much more powerful Vegeta and Future Trunks had become in just a few days, and that Goku would be challenging him soon. Romaji name Without much warning, Perfect Cell destroys the ring and makes the battle an all-out fight, just to make things more interesting for him, with no rules applied. The episode starts out with Future Android 17 and Future Android 18 destroying a city and killing humans, and having a wonderful time doing it, too. I Will Protect the Future At the suppressed level he used against Goku, it was said that Android 16's self-destruct device could wipe him out. In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, due to being empowered by Towa's Dark Magic, Imperfect Cell's power after absorbing at least six hundred thousand humans was increased beyond to what it had been historically, making his power greater than Android 16's and in the unfixed altered timeline allowed Imperfect Cell to overpower both Android 17 and 18 allowing him to absorb both Androids at the same time, causing him to transform directly into his Perfect Form, skipping his Semi-Perfect form entirely. This form is somewhat shorter and lighter than the previous one, being 7 feet in height. English airdate All of his cells are incinerated by Gohan's Kamehameha, resulting in his death. As Gohan watches these maniacal minions heartlessly beat his friends and father, he becomes angry, but it is still not enough. Three years later, Future Trunks is preparing to go back to the past to tell his friends the good news, but before he can depart, he senses Future Cell lurking in a corner and orders Bulma to go back inside. Cell traveled on foot for another town and came across directions, though was still left confused after reading them aloud and questioning where he was. Combine Your Strength! Despite Cell's loss of Android 18, Cell's being imprinted on experience of his Perfect Form, allowing him to regenerate back into said form. After returning from his brush with death, Cell saw himself as true perfection, believing himself to be immortal, as he was unable to die (save for the unlikely possibility of dying in battle). In the anime, Future Trunks arrives and saves the old man from the androids. Perfect Cell's full power is only finally revealed once Cell decides to power up to combat Super Saiyan 2 Gohan - resulting in Cell's aura being altered from a white color to a gold color (in the manga). Additionally Android 17 admits to Goku that he recognizes Goku by his voice which he heard from the time when he was still part of Cell's body as Android 17 never got the chance to meet Goku face to face. Gohan then begins dodging all of Cell's attacks, taunting him, with Cell continuing to not believe in this power Gohan sustains, refusing to be outdone by some sniveling Saiyan brat. Goku and Cell continue their ongoing brutal struggle, with Goku firing dozens of ki blasts in a row, putting Cell in a tight spot, as he cannot escape. Future Trunks arrives in his timeline and the first thing he does is reunite with his mother. However eventually Cell knocks Mr. Satan into a mountain like in the original history. The Viz edition of the manga shows Android 17 punching the man in the face rather than shooting him with his own pistol. Unable to match Future Trunks, Future Cell becomes enraged and, saying he will destroy the Earth and finish Future Trunks off, he cuffs his hands together and starts charging up a Kamehameha. However, Cell simply regenerates his tail and gloats about the partial Namekian DNA he received from Piccolo. Perfect Cell has nothing but scorn for his Imperfect self and calls him an idiot for ending up in the wrong age. However, Cell remembers that Piccolo said Gero's laboratory was destroyed, so the remote was most likely destroyed with it as well. May 26, Age 767 Sensed a strong and large amount of power concentrated in one person,Cell fly to Tokyo to check it out.Unfortunately,Sailor Mercury was spotted,after a battle,Cell decided to strike on her back to absorbs her and Cell succesfully on gaining her abilities and power When fought in game Cell also has Villainous Mode skill, however when playable he lacks this additional skill. After finding that his Semi-Perfect form is no match for his opponent, Cell convinces Vegeta to allow him to absorb Android 18 to attain the Perfect Form (which he is able to do as he appeals to Vegeta's ego and the natural Saiyan drive to fight stronger opponents, both of which Cell is aware of, as he possesses Vegeta's cells). Cell appears alongside Frieza, Piprika and Wanta as members of Pinich's team to participate in the Timespace Tournament, taking on Tekka's team, though they are soon backed into a corner. Episode # When Majin Buu kills Babidi, Cell and Frieza turn back to their old selves and do not remember anything of being controlled by Babidi, though they still continue to obstruct the heroes all the way to the ending chapter. However, he was severely outclassed by Vegeta in his 2nd Grade Super Saiyan form. This form's effectiveness in combat is never shown, but it was at the very least able to produce an energy blast strong enough to melt through the canopy of the time machine. Cell, however, ambushes Piccolo and grabs him from behind, pinning his arms and legs. Super Perfect Cell firing his Solar Kamehameha. In his Perfect Form, Cell uses the Super Saiyan form while powered up and fighting, resulting in him gaining the form's golden aura,[12] and he rarely (if ever) displays his base power. As the battle continues, Gohan demands that Perfect Cell stop fighting, and he tells him that the power he could harness when he becomes enraged is beyond his control, which may lead to devastating results for Cell. ANDROID 18: I … One More Wish Both Goku and Piccolo are rather shocked at this statement, and Piccolo seriously wonders how much the anger has affected his thought process. To Android 16's surprise, Krillin informs that the bomb had been removed by Bulma when she re-programmed him earlier during repairs. Death Date(s) He also becomes slightly more arrogant and narcissistic because of his power increase, as well as rash and impatient. Unfortunately, after Tekka opens the time hole the energy is coming from with Burst Ki, Ziku detects the energy of Vegeta, Frieza, and King Cold causing Kid Goku to tell everyone to run. This could also be attributed by his own vanity. Birth Date Yet Gohan waits too long, allowing Cell to regenerate his lost limbs with Piccolo's regenerative cells. Didn’t seem as arbitrary as a lot fo the other DBZ transformations since he was literally filling in the missing pieces of himself. Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission!! Japanese airdate In World Mission, it is called Cell (Android 17 Absorbed). Piccolo tells Cell that even though he gained more energy from his arm, increasing his strength, he is still beyond the Bio-Android's capabilities, and Piccolo prepares to finish this fight quickly. Initially, Cell is completely single-minded in the pursuit of his goals and is very cautious, sneaky, cunning, knowledgeable, and calculating in achieving his main goal of perfection. Using Instant Transmission (acquired from Goku), Cell, having become Super Perfect Cell, returns to Earth, kills Future Trunks with the Full Power Death Beam, and explains how he survived. This might've been an animation error by Toei Animation studios back then. Japanese Name In a display of his new power, he takes a direct hit from Android 16 without injury and then easily blasts the Android, nearly destroying his head effortlessly. Dark Mr. Satan angered by the Future Warrior's interference powers up and flies using his ki forcing the Future Warrior to confront Dark Mr. Satan to keep him from interfering in Goku and Cell's match. With Vegeta keen on knowing more about how strong Cell's final form may be, Cell appeals to Vegeta's ego, stating that if he were in his Perfect body, he would be a much better challenge. Vegeta, wanting a stronger opponent, agrees to Cell's proposition. The Future Warrior joins in taking them down. Krillin also becomes shocked that Cell can use the legendary Kamehameha wave. Cell turns to Android 18, but she threatens to self-destruct before joining him if he approaches, which will leave him unable to attain his complete form. Epic DBZ Themes Extended Cell Returns. So much work went into this. This song was very difficult to do as there are so many strange electronic sounds. According to Android 16, Imperfect Cell's power was equal to his own, which is confirmed when both were able to fight evenly. When about to fire at civilians, Future Android 18 says, "Time for bonus points". Whis rewinds time and Beerus casually flicks away Ultra Pinich's attack, then threatens to kill Ultra Pinich (and Cell by effect) with a Sphere of Destruction. Imperfect Cell started out pretty well, but once he transformed he lost pretty much anything going for him. After absorbing No. Gleeful at the opportunity to finally absorb 17 and 18 transform to a stronger state, Cell wastes no time and quickly heads toward the area. Literal Name However, fortunately, Super Saiyan Adult Goku uses Instant Kamehameha to appear in front of them and counters Cell's Kamehameha with energy wave of his Instant Kamehameha. According to the manga title page, a number of other lifeforms cells are composed inside of Cell. Although he is still able to beat Trunks, due to the disadvantage of lowered speed that comes with the strength. Cell proved able to bend the artificial soul he had been linked with allowing him to utilize his full power in the Android 21 Arc forcing the good persona to transform into her true form to protect her fellow Androids who were in a weakened state due the power suppressing waves preventing them from accessing their full power and had to rely on the soul link just to fight. He was one of the few Red Ribbon Androids not directly completed by Dr. Gero, instead being completed by Dr. Gero's Supercomputer in an alternate timeline. After coming back in his Super Perfect form, the huge influx of power causes his already inflated ego to increase dramatically. However, Cell's overall personality changes drastically with each transformation. Super Perfect Cell prepares his Solar Kamehameha, SH7-CP5 Perfect Cell card featuring EX Spirit Bomb Smash from World Mission, Imperfect Cell absorbing Piccolo's energy, Cell utilizing Telekinesis as part of his Psycho Crash variation. The speed is five percent faster and… Once this metamorphosis was completed, Cell emerged from the ground and molted his skin. Perfect Cell, noticing Gohan's anger, orders the Cell Juniors to kill everyone. In addition, the intro narration for "Cell Returns" has the narrator referring to Cell as a "demented demon". Now surprised Android 16 is actually speaking, Android 17 is disappointed that the first thing he speaks about is cowardice. To alleviate his boredom he offers to train the Future Warrior, though threatens he will absorb them should they fail or refuse. However, he does retain at least some degree of a strategic mind, as he got the idea to exploit Vegeta's arrogant desire for a challenge to manipulate him into allowing him to absorb 18. When Cell strikes back, the kick he delivers blows Vegeta away, smashing him through several rock formations, after which Cell proceeds to mockingly thank him, outright stating that he would never have been able to reach his Perfect Form were it not for Vegeta's foolishness. As more energy was collected for him he continued to get more powerful but was defeated by the Time Patrol in Age 1000. In the anime, the fight scene was extended with Future Trunks attacking her more before destroying her. Cell (Perfect Form) (illusion), Tambourine (illusion), King Piccolo (illusion), Vegeta (illusion), Nappa (illusion), Ginyu (illusion), Burter (illusion), Jeice (illusion), Recoome (illusion), Guldo (illusion), Frieza (Final Form) (illusion), Super Buu (illusion), Dabura (illusion), Raditz (illusion), Bulma (illusion), and Super Shenron (illusion) vs. Goku (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 3/Super Saiyan Blue) and Krillin, Cell (Perfect Form), Frieza (Final Form), and Kid Buu vs. Goku (Super Saiyan), Cell (Super Perfect Form) and Frieza (Final Form) vs. Goku, Cell (Perfect; Ghost Warrior), Turles (Ghost Warrior), Lord Slug (Ghost Warrior), Bojack (Ghost Warrior), and Kid Buu (Ghost Warrior) vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan) and, Cell was named after the English word for "cell" because he. Despite their childish appearances and attitudes, the Cell Juniors easily clobber the Z-Fighters, being close to Perfect Cell's own power. Dark Cell gives birth to the Dark Cell Juniors. Upon briefly absorbing Goku and achieving his "Overloaded" form, Cell's power briefly reaches even greater heights, though he loses it when Goku escapes him. However Imperfect Cell is elated to learn the computer was right about his perfect form and resolves to absorb Perfect Cell and become a warrior of even greater perfection. Main article: Perfect 16 As a being with several transformations, Cell's appearance varies depending on the form he is in. King Kai finally finishes the house, and Goku checks it out, breaking it to pieces as soon as he touches it. Piccolo calls Cell a freak of nature, but Cell's ki shocks him. Cell appears in this form in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 and Dragon Ball Z 2 V. He appears the same as in his Perfect state except with an M on his forehead and black lining around his eyes like with Vegeta when under the trance. In the manga, she doesn't say this and immediately complies. Piccolo calls Cell's idea a joke, remembering the less than average Kamehameha Cell had fired before, something Piccolo states was a sign of Cell's limit of power, and thus, has no chance of escaping from Piccolo's much increased speed. Cell's feet lose their toes and instead resemble shoes, though his tail remains much the same as it was in his Imperfect form. Imperfect Cell > 18 > Krillin All of the above is bullshit, the real answer is that with DBs sliding power scale they're as strong as however the story needs to them be. The fifth Dragon Box booklet asserts that Cell's power grew to surpass Son Gohan as a Super Saiyan 2 after his recovery. Returning as a Ghost Warrior, Perfect Cell and base Bojack together are able get the edge over final form Cooler, they are easily outmatched by him once he becomes Golden Cooler, but are able to keep fighting thanks to their regeneration and manage to do a small amount of damage to Cooler by the end of the battle. 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