In addition, it is the concepts that help the subject as a whole fit together. aDMISSIONS TO rECEPTION 2021. Mayans; Anglo Saxons; Tudors; … A coherent curriculum: A consideration of the IBDP as a model for curriculum design, Impington Village College – extending the IB model of creativity, activity and service to involve students from Years 7 to 13, Curriculum development through dialogue: A broad and balanced process, Language analysis in schools: A collection of articles co-published with the Languages, Society and Policy Journal, Embodied meaning making: The use of gesture in the responses of year 1 children to multimodal artefacts, Subject scholarship as a mechanism for developing trainees’ reflective practice and teachers’ curricular thinking, Spatial ability as a gateway to STEM success, The role of the humanities in a balanced and broadly based primary curriculum, Science literacy – science education for everyday life, Making time for music: Advocating a place for music in the curriculum, Disaffection in mathematics and its curriculum implications, Navigating the mathematics curriculum in England from Year 7 to GCSE, An optimistic education: Rebalancing the curriculum to more accurately convey human progress, Happy Mistakes: Art-based learning through failing, ‘We’re going to be the persons that tell stories’: An exploration of how digital technologies can enhance children’s learning in the Early Years, A reflection on a project to promote high engagement in the Early Years curriculum, Evidence-informed teaching in a disadvantaged environment, The role of early student leadership – building skills for future impact, Addressing the vocabulary gap using the Pattern Grammar approach, Students who rely on augmentative and alternative communication – literacy and curriculum access, Supporting achievement and progress in English academic writing courses through exemplars, How job-sharing can broaden and balance the primary curriculum, Moving beyond student IDs: Strategies to support multicultural awareness in the online (and face-to-face) classroom. 179 0 obj <> endobj • Intent • Implementation • Impact • Deepening understand of what a ‘knowledge-rich curriculum’ looks like • Lessons in Curriculum Design from Cognitive Science and other Research • Role of cognitive science in understanding memory and learning. A good geography curriculum should not only help learners understand the relationships they have with the earth but it should also enable students to gain a deep understanding of how the earth has changed and what we can do about it today – this is the disciplinary knowledge that is best gained through studying geography as a subject, rather than a theme or topic (Roberts, 2013). If you would like any more information or have any … The intent is concerned with the setting out of curricular aims, purposes and knowledge. Please see our Curriculum intentions, implementiation and impact document below, and our curriculum promises, for a clear overview of our curriculum planning. PDF, 1.5MB, 54 pages. Intent, implementation and impact in early years An Ofsted inspection can be a worrying time even for the best of practitioners. An investigation into how to assess the quality of education through curriculum intent, implementation and impact. September 2020 - FS2 Starters; Term Dates; Calendar; Newsletters . chronological understanding, indicates that: To design a history curriculum … Prior Learning / LTM: KS3: Y9: HT 4 & 5. Young M, Lambert D, Roberts C et al. We would like the children to be able to articulate how diverse the world is and have a respect for other cultures and faiths. Two languages open every door along the way.” Frank Smith. Curriculum intent . Implementation: how do we teach what we teach? Thomas Gray Primary School is recognised throughout Bootle and Sefton as being a very good school. Our Intent, Implementation and Impact Intent: Our purpose and ambition Inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that … With the NC as the platform and coherence as an aim, there is scope for learning to be systematically developed over time. Curriculum Intent – ‘The heart and mind of every child’ At Scholar Green Primary School we aim to develop the heart and mind of every child. endstream endobj startxref Myatt M (2018) The Curriculum: Gallimaufry to Coherence. Post date. When NC objectives are mapped out and taught sequentially, assessing learning within the humanities subjects becomes a far simpler task. When a school humanities curriculum uses the National Curriculum (NC) objectives for history and geography as its platform, rather than its aim, the overarching story of history can be developed through cross-phase planning, making sure that children are learning in a progressively sequenced way. Scott D (2014) Knowledge and the curriculum. These sorts of aspects of a subject contribute to students understanding how reliable claims can be made within each subject, asking excellent questions that open up more learning, and understanding what it means to be a ‘historian’ or a ‘geographer’. Latest News ... Ofsted inspectors will be exploring the intent, implementation and impact of the curriculum in schools. ‘Understanding’ in this sense refers to knowing this ‘past’ and being able to make observations and judgments about it – this is the essence of the disciplinary knowledge of history. This encompasses the ‘hidden curriculum’, such as: extracurricular activities, trips, careers, how to behave, how to have tolerance of others and good mental health. Roberts M (2013) Geography through Enquiry: Approaches to Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School. Our Intent, Implementation, and Impact targets for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). We are very sorry that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are unable to show parents around our lovely school this year. We want children to know more, remember more and understand more in computing so that they leave primary school … Children will know more, remember more and understand more. Intent, Implementation and Impact; Intent . Intention 3: Develop behaviours and habits to become effective learners. Key Vocabulary: Weimar Republic, Left, Right, democratic, hyperinflation, invasion, Golden Age. This statement of curriculum intent, implementation and impact Curriculum maps for every subject – which provide content overview Medium term plans which detail knowledge, skills and pedagogical approaches Teachers’ individual … Following on from this blog, I will be writing a blog about planning and provision in Early Years and how your curriculum is directly linked to this. • Intent • Implementation • Impact • Deepening understand of what a ‘knowledge-rich curriculum’ looks like • Lessons in Curriculum Design from Cognitive Science and other Research • Role of cognitive science in understanding memory and learning. Beyond the claim of humanities being more knowledge-rich when studied as history and geography, there are also pedagogical benefits. Post author By Alphablocks Nursery School. At Burnhope Primary School our art and design curriculum is designed to engage, inspire and challenge children, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to participate in, experiment with, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Teach these subjects through a thematic or topic-based curriculum risks undermining the intent and purposes that both subjects embody, and neglecting both of their distinct disciplinary knowledge bases. There is more detail on the implementation of our curriculum on the subject pages. Intent, implementation and impact in early years An Ofsted inspection can be a worrying time even for the best of practitioners. %PDF-1.5 %���� Children will know more, remember more and understand more. Intent: why do we teach what we teach? Intent, Implementation and Impact; Intent: Reading lies at the heart of the curriculum at St Paul’s. Intent, Implementation, Impact – the key to every early years curriculum. With this in mind, I discuss the basis and benefits of a subject-based approach to the humanities (which I narrowly define as history and geography). Following on from this blog, I will be writing a blog about planning and provision in Early Years and how your curriculum is directly linked to this. Inflexible knowledge: The first step to expertise. Intent, Implementation & Impact; Photographs & Videos; Displays; Examples of Work and Science Newsletters; Safeguarding Children; Dinner Menu; School Clubs; Photo Gallery; Investors in Pupils; Parental Views of the School; Ofsted; Policies; Vacancies; Parents. Parents often ask us what they can do to support their children’s mark-making and handwriting skills. First is their intent (purposes and aims). In addition – and relevant across the curriculum - the school is currently exploring History Curriculum Intent Statement. The Curriculum also promotes independent learning and is designed to take students away from just focusing on learning content for an exam – this is done through fieldwork elements in urban areas such as York in KS5 and Coastal areas and Hull in KS4 – The intent is to give students a … London: Bloomsbury. Without History, there would be no future. One key way to go beyond just learning facts might be to plan lessons around enquiry questions rather than learning objectives. Wrenn A (2007) Effective primary history teaching, challenges and opportunities. Intent Research link Implementation Impact To build a History curriculum which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills which enables children to enquire, research and analyse problems” in History. History Curriculum Intent Statement. Home; Key Information; Curriculum; Art and Design; Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement; Art and Design . At Countess Wear Community School we believe that all pupils should be able to confidently communicate their knowledge, ideas and emotions through their writing. Students will only fully understand the complexity of modern life by studying the key events of the past. HumanitiesKS4 Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact Overview Year: 11 Subject: HISTORY IMPLEMENTATION INTENT (including key concepts and skills) Half Term 1 Context: Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-39. This advice reflected the demands of Ofsted’s new ‘Quality of Education’ judgement, with the now infamous three I's of intent, implementation and impact, which coupled with the introduction of subject ‘deep dives’ have placed curriculum leaders at the heart of the inspection process. Substantive knowledge is presented as given facts. Leaders and teachers design, structure and sequence a curriculum, which is then implemented through classroom teaching. John Pearce offers three activities to ensure middle leaders are confident and prepared. The 25 indicators of curriculum quality could all be linked to two main underpinning factors: ‘intent’ and ‘implementation’. Cultural capital: … These might be key dates in history or map features in geography. What should we be teaching in the age of Artificial Intelligence? Disciplinary knowledge is possibly more difficult to define. They explain why you teach what you teach and do what you do. Intent, Implementation and Impact Statements In this document, we have put together example prompts to cover some of the Intent, Implementation and Impact statements schools may need for Computing. What do you want the children to learn, and what skills do you want them to acquire? This is reflected in the positive impact they have through their responses to charitable work, their contributions to the liturgy of the school and the parish, and in the reflective work they produce in their RE books. As Counsell (2018) states: ‘… it is that part of a subject where students understand each discipline as a tradition of enquiry with its own distinctive pursuit of truth’ (p. 7). American Educator Winter 2002. Counsell C (2018) Taking curriculum seriously. It is our intent that the well-being of every pupil is addressed daily to ensure that they are ready to learn. It is neither a core nor a foundation subject; the 1988 Education Act states that ‘Religious Education has equal standing in relation to core subjects of the National Curriculum in that it is compulsory for all registered pupils’. Willingham D (2002) Ask the Cognitive Scientist. Art & Design Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact. At Ince CE Primary School, we believe that the learning of a language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for our pupils. Art and Design . ��ō@$w+��0i"$��@lŅ`qSi�f��r�A�HK���}`����"e����"����e630}�6���d�?S�w� \�� chronological understanding, indicates that: To assess our students as confident historians or geographers if they only have a good memory of the substantive knowledge of a topic would be inaccurate – they must demonstrate an ability to enquire thoughtfully about what they have learned. “[The working] definition [of the curriculum] uses the concepts of ‘intent’, ‘implementation’ and ‘impact’ to recognise that the curriculum passes through different states: it is conceived, taught and experienced. Curriculum reform and teacher agency: How national policy translates to the classroom. Counsell (2018) provides a helpful distinction between ‘substantive’ and ‘disciplinary’ knowledge within subjects. Curriculum Implementation Our curriculum will be implemented with our intentions as the drivers behind our actions. Our knowledge-rich curriculum – so what do we want them to learn? Schools and the wider community: Approaches and outcomes, Knowledge, skills, character and values within the curriculum, Cognitive Load Theory and its application in the classroom, Skilful questioning: The beating heart of good pedagogy,,, Interim Issue: Evidence-informed Practice, Issue 7: Arts, creativity and cultural education, Issue 9: Learning, leadership and teacher expertise, Issue 10: Developing evidence-informed teaching techniques to support effective learning, Special issue: Youth social action and character education, Special Issue January 2019: Education Technology. Humanities Curriculum Intent Statements. Intent, Implementation, Impact Humanities Learning together, serving our community with love and God in our hearts. These are based on the approach shared on Mr P’s CPD training. intent, implementation and impact Phase 3 findings of curriculum research This report outlines what we have done in phase 3 of our research into the … Impact History is monitored by the subject leader throughout all year groups using a variety of strategies such as book scrutinises, lesson observations, staff discussions and pupil interviews. Intent. Curriculum Intent Our overarching curriculum intent is for pupils to leave Meadowfield as: Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement: Writing INTENT. Your curriculum intent, implementation and impact are like your core beliefs for your teaching and learning in Early Years. Let’s look more closely at those terms: Intent: What does the curriculum intend to do? Using Lifespace to bring coherence and purpose to a broad and balanced curriculum, Mindfulness as part of a broad and balanced curriculum, Developing self-regulating learners: Embedding meaningful reflection in lessons, Head, heart and hands: Cognitive science casts new light on some old words of wisdom. They often have low expectations of their own abilities. Our reading curriculum strives to … Religious education has a unique place as a central subject in the curriculum of St Pauls. By studying history we should enable students to ask … Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement At Parks, we believe that the teaching of reading is integral to a child’s understanding and appreciation of the world around them; a platform that allows our children to see beyond what they know, share in cultural experiences and develop the vocabulary they need to effectively express themselves. 2. Curriculum Design & Delivery: Intent, Implementation & Impact Online Conference: 20 & 21 January 2021, 2:30pm to 6:00pm daily Schools across the country are redesigning their curriculum offer in light of significant changes to the Ofsted inspection framework, and a national rejection of narrow curricula and teaching to the test. Mark making and handwriting require two key physical skills: (1) dexterity and (2) fine motor … What happened to curriculum in the early years? 19th November 2019 voyseys Uncategorised. Coherence, organising content into well-sequenced orders, can be difficult to achieve when tied to themes or topics, since they may be interpreted in a variety of ways (Schmidt and Prawat, 2006). How does Jigsaw PSHE support evidencing intent, implementation and impact (in Jigsaw 3-11)? History is led by Miss Tickle, who has had a deep passion for history from an early age. Liz Elsom - a member of NDNA’s Policy Committee - has some tips to help you … Intent (curriculum design, coverage and appropriateness) The aim of the writing curriculum is to provide children with sound grammatical knowledge which will enable ... Humanities curriculum hޜV[o�0�+�U�����4 �h�� Youth social action: What are the benefits for careers education? We also focus on developing the skills necessary to use information in an effective way. RE is assessed at the school like any other subject, and there are high expectations for the quality of their written work. The end result of a good, … Intent: Why our PE curriculum looks like this: PE at St Anne’s Catholic Primary School aims to develop a fun, high-quality physical education curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel individual’s abilities in competitive sports and other physically-demanding activities. At Templefield Lower School, we value Art and Design as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. Intent, Implementation and Impact Rationale: A broad and balanced curriculum is not just the timetabled subjects; it is every student’s holistic experience of school. This focuses students on their thinking based on the knowledge that they are gaining in the lesson, rather than only on the ‘inflexible knowledge’ (Willingham, 2002) they might gain from merely memorising the facts of a lesson on Roman life. Aligning this with knowledge organisers that carefully outline the substantive knowledge that needs to be learned can help to make assessments more accurate, more so than in one unit of work (Myatt, 2018). We are dedicated to enabling our pupils to become lifelong readers and we believe reading is key for academic success. Details. Latest News ... Ofsted inspectors will be exploring the intent, implementation and impact of the curriculum in schools. Through the ages; Ancient Egypt; Ancient Greeks; Romans; Leeds - The industrial Revolution - A local study; UKS2 Learning Journeys. We intend children to use creativity and imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. substantiating judgements, which fits in with other Humanities and literacy based subjects. Your curriculum intent, implementation and impact are like your c ore beliefs for your teaching and learning in Early Years. John Pearce offers three activities to ensure middle leaders are confident and prepared. Meadowfield School Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact 2019 - 2020 Meadowfield school is a provision for pupils age from 3 years to 19 years with profound, severe and complex needs. Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement Art Statement of Intent Extra Curricular Activities Statement of Intent EYFS Provision Statement of Intent Geography Statement of Intent History Statement of Intent Maths Statement of Intent Music Statement of Intent We hope to provide children with the knowledge and understanding they need to successfully evaluate the significance of past … Geography Intent: At Scholar Green Primary School geography education should be fully inclusive to every child. Sheffield: Geographical Association. It is a term attempting to describe what students learn about the overarching development and narrative of a subject and how knowledge has been established within it. Every child in our school is recognised as individual and unique. Students will only fully understand the complexity of modern life by studying the key events of the past. We encourage children’s … Intent, Implementation, Impact Humanities ... by the humanities coordinator to check progress of all pupils across the school and identify possible gaps in knowledge. Design and Technology - Intent, Implementation and Impact Intent Implementation Impact At St. George and St. Martin we intend to teach Design and Technology as an inspiring and practical subject. Counsell (2018) provides a helpful distinction between ‘substantive’ and ‘disciplinary’ knowledge within subjects. We want pupils to acquire a wide vocabulary, a solid understanding of grammar and be able to spell new words by effectively applying the spelling … Let’s look more closely at those terms: Intent: What does the curriculum intend to do? endstream endobj 180 0 obj <> endobj 181 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 182 0 obj <>stream The aims of a history curriculum in the primary school should be to enable learners to understand their past – their country’s and the world’s past (Wrenn, 2007). It also aids us in our reflection on the sorts of questions, responses, ideas and concepts that our students will understand if they have truly mastered the subject. Classes following the IMPACTS or Extended IMPACT model will focus continued development of the core Extended IMPACTS and IMPACTS curriculum areas Key Stage 3 Implementation STEM Humanities Art, DT, Music and Drama, Media StudiesCreativity Life … Humanities Assessment CPD View All Primary secondary. But in essence, they have different disciplinary traditions. 2018 - 2019 Newsletters Contined; 2018 - 2019 … Lomas T (2017) Coherence in primary history: What is it and how can it be achieved? ‘Substantive’ knowledge, then, could be seen as a core place to start in a planning progression model. Both subjects seek to understand humanity in the past and in the present and why we are who we are today; both seek to understand the relationships that people and groups have with each other and the earth; both seek to glean from evidence, whether textual or observational, what it means to be a human. Intent The intent of the curriculum is to give students a great understanding of the world in ... which fits in with other Humanities and literacy based subjects. Impact in RE Our children do know that they are loved - there is evidence all around for this, in every aspect of the life of our school. Curriculum Policy - Intent, Implementation & Impact. Each piece of substantive knowledge should build on the next, which will then later produce understanding. 211 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[179 44]/Info 178 0 R/Length 149/Prev 733727/Root 180 0 R/Size 223/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream ['!�ƣ�B��T*�~�8�+��"s�s�|v�B)�D�����e4��Hc��"u�8�KBH� To understand the world in which we live all students need to gain an understanding of the past. MPL Curriculum: Intent, Implementation and Impact; MPL Curriculum (Intent, Implementation and Impact).pdf > Welcome; Calendar; Contact Us; Term Dates; House Points; F Search; G Translate; H Log in *** If you need to report a Positive COVID test for your child please email *** Mount Pleasant Lane Primary School, Mount Pleasant … Humanities Curriculum Intent Statements. We also focus on developing the skills necessary to use information in an effective way. Her ten year career as a Retail Merchandiser equipped her with skills in databases, spreadsheets, word processing and Retail merchandising System, Retek. Like two parallel train tracks, these subjects move in the same direction, yet both reveal something different about the world around us. For example, instead of a learning objective of ‘To understand Roman life’, we could begin our history lessons with ‘What can our sources tell us about what Roman life was like?’. Intent: Our purpose and ambition “One language sets you on a corridor for life. This bite-sized online course will help you understand the terms intent, implementation and impact, which fall under the Ofsted judgement area Quality of Education (Education Inspection Framework 2019). Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement. Hawthorn Primary School. Designing a curriculum: The challenge faced by many specialist settings, Community curriculum-making: Mixing the ‘local’ with the National Curriculum, Exploring the impact of pedagogy and partnership on curriculum, conservation and attitudes. Acknowledging these claims, Ofsted’s new Inspection Framework (2019) is attempting to measure the intent and implementation of the curriculums of schools across the country, in the hope of forming a broader quality of education judgment. Every child in our school is recognised as individual and unique. Technology is an … Key Vocabulary: Weimar Republic, Left, Right, democratic, hyperinflation, invasion, Golden Age. The impact of this intention is seen in the daily interaction of all members of our community, including staff and children. Feedback from schools inspected since September 2019 indicates that Ofsted inspectors are spending less time with senior leaders, and more talking to middle leaders about curriculum intent and implementation. Be clear on exactly what these … Learning in science, technology; computing; the humanities, the arts, sport and PE – is “earthed” by building links to real-life experiences. At All Saints Computing and eSafety is led by Mrs C Woods who has a BA(Hons) degree in Business and Finance. M ( 2013 ) geography through enquiry: Approaches to teaching and learning in the Secondary.... The space that humans inhabit there are also clear distinctions within subjects all pupils produce creative, …... Esafety is led by Mrs C Woods who has a BA ( )... 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