Modular Credits: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-2-5 Prerequisite(s): (CS1020 or its equivalent) and CS2106 Preclusion(s): Nil Cross-listing(s): Nil Developing applications for real-time embedded systems require programming languages and abstractions which are substantially different from those used for developing desktop applications. I have seen that quite a number of posts are present here asking about whether one should take CS2030S / CS2040S / CS2100 together for the incoming semester. The module also places emphasis on the practices of secure programming and implementation. The module covers basic data structures (linked lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, binary heaps, trees, and graphs), searching and sorting algorithms, basic analysis of algorithms, and basic object-oriented programming concepts. The module covers data management concepts, conceptual (entity relationship model) and logical design (relational model) and database management (data definition, data manipulation, SQL) with relational database management systems. Cross-listing(s): Nil This module introduces the necessary conceptual and analytical tools for systematic and rigorous development of software systems. ... my love for solving problems has allowed me to fit right in at NUS Computing. The module covers advanced material on combinatorial and graph algorithms with emphasis on efficient algorithms, and explores their use in a variety of application areas. Areas within digital libraries that will be covered include collection development, knowledge organisation, DL architecture, user behavior, services, preservation, management and evaluation and DL education and research. Modular Credits: 4 Workload: 2-1-1-3-3 Prerequisite(s): Nil Preclusion(s): CS1010 and its equivalents Cross-listing(s): Nil This module introduces the fundamental concepts of problem solving by computing and programming using an imperative programming language. Offered by the NUS School of Computing in partnership with NUS SCALE, each certificate comprises four to six modules and can be completed in 12 to 18 months. Commercial VMs from VMware and language-level VMs such as the Java Virtual Machine and Microsoft’s .NET framework have become highly popular. Finally, music information retrieval will be introduced as an application of analytic techniques. This first part focuses on the analysis of the real-world problems, formulation of the computing requirements of the desired solution that meets the user’s needs, design of the computer systems according to the requirements, and evaluation of the design. Preclusion(s): Nil Cross-listing(s): Nil Topics will be of an advanced computer science nature and will be selected by the Department. Basic constructs common in the two languages will not be covered (e.g. We focus on the role of computing in helping biologists with these investigations. EE4110 RFIC & MMIC Design # 6. Modular Credits: 4 Workload: 2-0-0-3-5 Prerequisite(s): CS4233 or CS5231 Preclusion(s): Nil Cross-listing(s): Nil This module aims to prepare graduate students for research and development in information security, by investigating selected topics in cryptography and information theoretic security. CS5247 Motion Planning and Applications (defunct). Exchange students are required to take at least 12 modular credits (MCs) per semester and no more than 20 MCs. Modular Credits: 4 Workload: 3-0-0-3-4 Prerequisite(s): CS3211 or CS4231 Preclusion(s): Nil Cross-listing(s): Nil Since computer networks and clusters are becoming more and more ubiquitous, the use of parallelism is no longer restricted to privilege access to powerful supercomputers. Upon completion of this module, students should be able to perform research such as narrowing the semantic gap between low-level features and high-level concepts. This module covers the following topics: intrusion detection, DNS security, electronic mail security, authentication, access control, buffer overflow, memory and stack protection, selected topics in application security, for instance, web security, and well-known attacks. Three main themes are covered: (i) representation and modelling of multimedia entities using various modeling approaches, (ii) matching of a model with an input entity, and (iii) derivation of a model from sample entities. The module illustrates where and when the theories are applicable, demonstrates the solutions using a combination of scientific theory understanding and engineering modelling. It continues the introduction in CS1010, and emphasises object-oriented programming with application to data structures. Tools and techniques for software development, such as Unified Modelling Language (UML), program specification, and testing methods, will be taught. Modular Credits: 4 Workload: 1-1-2-5-1 Prerequisite(s): (CG2271 or CS2271) and (CS3215 or CS3202) Preclusion(s): Nil Cross-listing(s): Nil This module will cover the design, construction and validation of embedded systems. The complete structure of the programme is as follows: 3: RVRC students may read GEQ1917 Understanding & Critiquing Sustainability as fulfilling the "Asking Questions" pillar. It aims to provide students with advanced technical and managerial knowledge in evaluating, designing, and implementing big-scale software. Students will be exposed to hands-on programming assignments and mini-projects on selected consoles with SDKs secured under Non Disclosure Agreement with console manufacturers. The course will also introduce modern architecture for text and image search engines. This is a project-based module and students will have extensive hands-on experience using the software tools we have developed in our research. Topics include: convex-hull algorithms, simplicial complexes, union of balls, Voronoi diagram, Delaunay triangulation, lifting and projecting, alpha shape, surface reconstruction, sphere algebra, orthogonality and complementarity, molecular skin surfaces, curvatures and surface meshing, deformation and morphing, etc. EEE & CPE students are not allowed to take this module.Cross-listing(s): NilThis module is the second part of a two-part series on introductory programming from an object-oriented perspective. The module also covers algorithmic and programming language toolkits used in problem solving supported by the solution of representative or well-known problems in the various algorithmic paradigms. CS2113T Software Engineering & Object-Oriented Programming. CS2040S Data Structures and … The module covers practical and theoretical aspects of programming with SQL data definition and manipulation sublanguages, relational tuple calculus, relational domain calculus and relational algebra. The module covers basic data structures (linked lists, stacks,queues, hash tables, binary heaps,trees, and graphs), searching and sorting algorithms, and basic analysis of algorithms. CS5345 Social and Digital Media Analytics. Students will cultivate the importance of thinking “design” for the purpose of developing valuable, captivating and usable digital products or services. CS4217 Software Development Technologies (no longer offered). Modular Credits: 4 Workload: 3-0-0-3-4 Prerequisite(s): CS3230 Preclusion(s): Nil Cross-listing(s): Nil The course aims to provide students with a geometric viewpoint in problem-solving. Special emphasis will be given to multimedia and Internet-based learning environments. It explores two modern programming paradigms, object-oriented programming and functional programming. CS1102 Data Structures and Algorithms (defunct). Modular Credits: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite(s): CS2104 Preclusion(s): Nil Cross-listing(s): Nil The objective of this module is to introduce the principal ideas behind programme compilation, and discusses various techniques for programme parsing, programme analysis, programme optimisation, and run-time organisation required for programme execution. In the second stage, students will enroll in core modules that focus on fundamental knowledge in electrical and computer engineering. Topics covered include linear and integer programming, network flow algorithms, local search heuristics, approximation algorithms, and randomized algorithms. The lectures are accompanied by lab sessions which will focus on language processing tools, and take the student through a sequence of programming language implementations. if-else, loops etc). ... communities to develop ideas for their engineering project modules. Students who intend to take design-related modules must upload a letter from their home university stating the year of design modules applicants should be enrolled in during their exchange. ), fundamental data structures: arrays, strings and structures, simple file processing, and basic recursion. Modules; Technical Electives; Projects; Outreach; Recommended Schedule; Class Timetables ; Computer Engineering; BTech (EE) Overview; Objectives & Outcomes; Degree Requirements; Modules; Apply Now; Admissions. At the end of the course, the students should be able to carry out a study of a system using computer simulation. Otherwise, CS2113 and CS2113T are identical. Topics covered include problem solving by computing, writing pseudo-codes, basic problem formulation and problem solving, program development, coding, testing and debugging, fundamental programming constructs (variables, types, expressions, assignments, functions, control structures, etc. Modular Credits: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite(s): (CS2105 or EE3204 or EE4204) and (CS2106 or CG2271) and CS2107 Preclusion(s): Nil Cross-listing(s): Nil The objective of this module is to provide a broad understanding of computer security with some in-depth discussions on selected topics in system and network security. It covers the fundamental principles of distributed data management and includes distribution design, data integration, distributed query processing and optimization, distributed transaction management, and replication. CS3205 Information Security Capstone Project. 32 MCs drawn from various modules offered across NUS, including ES1000 and/or ES1103 (if not exempted or did not pass the Qualifying English Test at the point of admission). In the context of this exciting development, the aim of this module is to examine the design issues that are critical to modern parallel architectures. Distributed computing: time, global state, snapshots, message ordering. It discusses implementation aspects of fundamental programming paradigms (imperative, functional and object-oriented), and of basic programming language concepts such as binding, scope, parameter-passing mechanisms and types. Students can opt to exclusively focus in one of the concentrations of Communications & Networking, Embedded Computing, Large-Scale Computing, Intelligent Systems, Interactive Digital Media and System-on-a-Chip Design by taking the electives in these concentrations. Modular Credits: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-4-3 Prerequisite(s): CS2104 or CS3212 or CS3234 Preclusion(s): Nil Cross-listing(s): Nil The objective of this course is to provide the basic mathematical techniques to study the semantics and logical reasoning of programmes and programming languages. Subsets of countable sets are countable. It is the first and foremost introductory course to computing and is equivalent to CS1010 and CS1010E Programming Methodology. ModPlan is a module planning system that expands on NUSMODS to help NUS Computer Engineering students to plan their modules for all four years of their bachelor’s degree. CS5339 Theory and Algorithms for Machine Learning. Students will be exposed to important computer science concepts, including networking, databases, computer security, user interface design, programming languages, and software engineering. Preclusion(s):CS4201,CS4202,CS4203,CS4204 Cross-listing(s): Nil This module is the first part of a two-part series on the development of media technology systems such as interactive systems, games, retrieval systems, multimedia computing applications, etc. Laboratory exercises and projects are included for the students to solve practical problems using computer vision and image processing software packages. Take modules in Mathematics and Science to reinforce your knowledge in Computer Science. Examples will be drawn from different types of media. It covers techniques for attacking and solving challenging computational problems. Modular Credits: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite(s): (CS2010 or CS2020 or CS2040 or CS2040C) and CS2102 Preclusion(s): Nil Cross-listing(s): Nil This module provides an in-depth study of the concepts and implementation issues related to database management systems. A variety of Illustrative examples are given, e.g., self-driving cars, aerial drones, and object manipulation. Modular Credits: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite(s): CS2010 or its equivalent Preclusion(s): Nil Cross-listing(s): Nil This module provides the students with theoretical knowledge and practical skill in design and implementation of programming languages. It also trains students to work well in project teams. This module aims to provide a broad overview of the techniques and challenges involved in designing embedded systems. The module serves two purposes: to improve the students’ ability to design algorithms in different areas, and to prepare students for the study of more advanced algorithms. How many manoeuvres does it take to park a car in a tight spot? Upon completion, students will be well-grounded to pursue further research in computer vision, graphics, natural language processing, audio analysis and multimedia applications. The subjects we have to take are mathematics and physics, which are the 2 main modules every engineering student has to take. As a NUS CS Senior myself, I would like to give some insight and possibly some room for discussion as well. Modular credits: 4 Workload: 2-0-0-5-3 Prerequisite(s): CS5234 Preclusion(s): Nil Cross-listing(s): Nil This module is aimed at graduate students who are doing or intend to do advanced research in algorithms design and analysis in all areas of computer science. Topics covered include, but are not restricted to, linear programming, graph matching and network flows, approximation algorithms, randomised algorithms, online algorithms, local search algorithms, algorithms for large datasets. These concepts are illustrated by examples from varieties of languages such as Pascal, C, Java, Smalltalk, Scheme, Haskell, Prolog. / Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) Programme / Recommended Semester Schedule ... Part III: Modules. Topics covered include: Statistical parsing, Word sense disambiguation, SENSEVAL, co-reference resolution, machine translation, question answering. 16 MCs drawn from various modules offered across NUS, including ES1000 and/or ES1103 (if not exempted or did not pass the Qualifying English Test at the point of admission). Modular Credits: 4 Workload: 2-0-1-5-2 Prerequisite(s): CS4243 or CS4247 or CS3242 Preclusion(s): CS5245 Cross-listing(s): Nil This module aims at teaching multimedia techniques for creating digital specia effects video. Given the large number of technical electives which are available, advisories will be given to students at the end of Year 2 to advise them about their choices for specialisation. The syllabus focusses on relational database applications implemented with relational database management systems. The module covers data management concepts, conceptual (entity relationship model) and logical design (relational model) and database management (data definition, data manipulation, SQL) with relational database management systems. It provides a thorough methodology for analysis of privacy against inference attacks using techniques from statistics, probability theory, and machine learning. They will also learn use user-centred evaluation methods for evaluating the design. CS2113 Software Engineering & Object-Oriented Programming. The objective is to expose students to concepts of systems architecture, resource management, threading, streaming, and content optimisation for high throughput and constrained memory/power platforms. CS5421 Database Applications Design and Tuning. Modular Credits: 4 Workload: 2-0-0-6-2 Prerequisite(s): CS2106 and CS4226 Preclusion(s): Nil Cross-listing(s): Nil This module is targeted at computer science graduate students and covers the major aspects of building streaming media applications -- from coding to transmission to playback. Modular Credits: 4 Workload: 2-1-2-3-2 Prerequisite(s): CG2271 or CS2271 Preclusion(s): EE3304, EE/CPE students Cross-listing(s): Nil Reactive systems are real-time systems that continuously interact with the environment. Jothi Pillay, Computer Science ... the basics in our introductory modules on topics such as programming, algorithms, networking, operating systems, and computer organisation. Data science seeks to use all available and relevant data to effectively tell a story that can be easily understood by non-practitioners. It covers  requirements, design, implementation, quality assurance, and project management aspects of small-to-medium size multi-person software projects. Students get to apply what they learn in the classroom and gain hands-on experience on solving significant information security problems. The module will cover wireless networking across all layers of the networking stack including physical, link, MAC, routing and application layers. It covers how information can be quantified, and what this quantification tells us about how well we can compress and transmit information without error. Preclusion(s): Nil Cross-listing(s): Nil This module focuses on the deductive and algorithmic aspects of both classical and non-classical logics. Modular Credits: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-3-4 Prerequisite(s): CS4232 Preclusion(s): CS4230 Cross-listing(s): Nil The aim of this module is to study the various measures of difficulty of problem-solving in computing, and to introduce some techniques in theoretical computer science such as nondeterminism, digitalisation, simulation, padding, reduction, randomisation and interaction. The information on this page should be read in conjunction with that of the BEng (CE) Curriculum Structure.. Module Registration. EE4218 Embedded Hardware System Design: 8. EE3408/C Integrated Analog Design: 5. Hi All! Topics include: vector and signal representations of multimedia, spatial and frequency analyses, models and parameter estimation methods. The topics include: an overview of query optimisation techniques, physical data base design, system configuration, buffer management, performance analysis and tuning techniques. Cross-listing(s): Nil This course aims to provide a broad introduction to computer networks and some appreciations of network application programming. CS1101S Programming Methodology. Take modules in Mathematics and Science to reinforce your knowledge in Computer Science. The project duration is expected to be approximately 16 weeks (full-time). This graduate level module covers advanced topics in program analysis that are of current research or application interests. In this module, students will learn various massive data processing techniques that are used in data science with emphasis on the algorithmic and mathematical properties of these techniques. , namely, transactions, con-currency control and recovery module aims at the! A research career in networking geometric structures traffic and concepts of QoS multimedia... The geometric, probabilistic ) of single processor systems the solutions of design modules – applicable for AY2010 AY2013... Learn how to model and solve the constraints discusses the basic concepts in operating work. Detailed programme is shown in the latest advanced development in media technology to the module with... Parallel database: parallel architectures ; parallel query processing: factors governing query optimisation load. 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